He has been asking for the past 2 years for a compound bow so he can hunt. My son and daughter both did archery in the 4-H club and he is just a natural shooter. 3 Weeks ago I broke down and put out $500+ for a Parker bow and carbon arrows. Told him he better study for the 100 question shooter safety course and if he fails, the bow goes away until he passes the test for his license.
To get your bow license you have to get a group of at least 3 arrows at 20 yards using 5 arrows. After his 3rd shot, the instructor pats him on the back and told him he didn't have to shoot any more. For shotgun, you really just have to show you know proper stance, form and a knowledge of the gun. 3 shots at a clay, you don't have to hit one, just be safe and shoot. He got 1 out of 3. Now I'm worried because he has to take the written test. He gets 96 out of 100. I think cool, free license for a year, venison for free. When we get home he shows me his choice of tree stand, arrow points and which camo pattern he likes. He better get a job, I've spent all my play money! His mother will kill me if I blow more money on firearms and arrows.
I was very proud of him. Sunday I'll take him with me trap shooting, I've been reloading all week so 200 shells won't kill me.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet- George Washington.