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 HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities

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Posts : 1916
Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : Texas

HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities  Empty
PostSubject: HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities    HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities  EmptyJuly 9th 2015, 2:48 pm


HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities  Castro1K070915_345.jpg

Quote :
"An example of disproportionate housing needs would be found when a significantly higher proportion of the jurisdiction's black residents experience a severe cost burden when compared to the proportion of the jurisdiction's white residents experiencing a severe cost burden," HUD notes.

In a companion "Fair Housing Assessment Tool," HUD counts "land use and zoning laws, such as minimum lot sizes, limits on multi-unit properties, height limits, or bedroom-number limits as well as requirements for special use permits (and) occupancy restrictions" among "factors contributing to segregated housing patterns."

Why should Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis get to have all the fun? Curious why they haven't targeted inserting diversity into the Somali occupied section of the TwinCities?
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HUD bringing diversity to over 1200 targeted suburbs and municipalities
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